Saturday, July 21, 2012

Tesla Making Faces

Not much more to this video than a 10-day-old baby making faces. Before we turned on the camera, she ran through a huge succession of expressions, like a master actor demonstrating her craft. We only caught a fraction of her repertoire.

Bridget says I should dub a version with silly voices. Perhaps I shall. But until then:


  1. Whats even more pathetic is that I smiled through the entire 1.45 minutes...Yep the whole time. She's clearly beautifuk, creative, with an amazing sense of irony!!! WOW

  2. Just published something from my friend
    s computer and it came out with his'll have no idea that it Trudi who is ga ga-ing here...

  3. my faves are :39 and the whole business in the late :40s-early :50s. fun!

    i've got some blog requests:
    - doggert and baberton together
    - t in bunny hat (while it might still fit :/)

    when parents have time (which i know is in short supply).

    much love!

  4. you can't tell me she's not smiling.

  5. Looks like a minor, silent and enjoyable exorcism. Always entertaining.
