Monday, January 30, 2012

Quad Screen Results

Bridget's latest blood test -- the Quad Screen (which you can read about on the Wiki page for "Triple Test") -- came in.

They say everything is normal and healthy! Go Bridget!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Why Are We So Quiet?

I know you've been biting your nails waiting for an update, but not much has happened, fetus-wise, since the last sonogram. But that doesn't mean there isn't other stuff we can tell you! Here are some assorted facts about the next year or so:

Baby Registry
First of all, since some folks have asked, is hosting our baby registry. WAIT DON'T GO THERE YET. See, we haven't really added much to it, because, well, we don't really know what to add. So in the comments, please let us know what you, readers with children, think is essential for the baby registry. Then, once that thing is jam-packed with the goods, we'll send out a general plea for help with the merchandise.

Summer Living
We have rented a summer-house-type situation in Harpswell, ME for June 16 - August 4. That's about 7 weeks, and we're due to have a baby smack in the middle of them. Harpswell is 15 minutes from Brunswick, ME, home to Deirdre, Marc, Fiona, and Myles Brown. The house will have room to sleep 4 others comfortably, and we sure as hell expect some guests during our stay. Like, constantly. So if you're interested in joining the fun, let us know so we can make up a schedule!

The Birth
We're aiming for the birth center at Mid Coast Hospital in Brunswick. We're looking into the possibility of using the infamous Natalie Rockwell, CNM to assist, because, well, we've just heard some awesome stories. Ask us, we'll tell ya. We're also keen to get our friend Sally Cumberland in the loop, but that's not solid at all, yet.

Quad Screen tomorrow. More news when we get it!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Blacking out the Blog

In a promising early sign of progressive political leanings, our fetus today advised to us leave off blogging, just for one day, in protest of SOPA and PIPA. 

Therefore, the following amazing image -- and the witty anecdote and caption that accompany it -- cannot be seen. This post will not "unblacken" after a day like Wikipedia. You will never see the amazing content obscured by this box. This post will stand forevermore as a reminder of why we must keep corporations from buying legislation that curtails our freedom.

         Hey Guys! So as you may know we are not the only ones at the school expecting additions to
         be the best of times indeed, Scooby-doo!
         Stay tuned!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sonogram from 14 weeks, 1 day

This is the latest image, which we got about the time of the previous post, but I wanted the announcement to come out with the angry duck image so that you could be as amazed as we were at how much these things grow in only a month:

My favorite is the bottom image, which I have zoomed in on for your closer perusal:

Monday, January 9, 2012

An Official Announcement

Okay, we're tired of carrying around a secret that we were not too good at keeping anyway, so here's the scoop.

We started trying to get pregnant just after coming back to school. Bridget missed a period and started feeling a bit ooky in early November. Halfway through our two-week school field trip (to work on an organic garlic farm and a free-range cattle ranch), Bridget peed on a stick and it came up positive. In a Tucson Radisson, we quietly, reservedly rejoiced, so as not to alarm the children.

Upon our return to campus, Bridget began to feel like hot buttered horseshit. She could barely make it through a room without lying down for a quick (or mid-length) nap. She felt nauseous almost constantly. We went to see Dr. Charles Rolle, OB/GYN, in Cottonwood, AZ on Dec 14, and he took this picture:
10 weeks, 3 days

Now that's just crazy. The little thing was swimming around noticeably (waving its "limb buds") on the ultrasound screen, but they could only print us a still shot. I thought it looked like an angry duck in an old Nintendo game. See:
Angry duck
But so he told us the due date was, and would always remain, July 8.
